"The hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection,and not fountain,to show them that we love them,not when we feel like it,but when they do"

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Friday, September 21, 2018

Loyal Companion

"I used to sit in your room and not open the door or the window because you did not like it. It was difficult for me to stay in the room whole day and not go out. But I did it because you liked it that way."

Caging someone in a place where they have to kill their wishes just so that you can be happy.

Controlling your emotions because your emotions will effect someone else.

Relations are always complicated. Sacrifices are the biggest mistake and compromises are key to weaken relations day by day slowly.

Expect but don't expect those expectations to get fulfilled. Life is as it is so difficult and here we get up and make promises to make it more difficult by being in love .

What is right? What is wrong? Who is right? Who is wrong? Whose wishes should be fulfilled and whose done away with?

Make somebody miserable once and then let it be long enough and let that be the last one. Go on with your life alone because as I said it's already difficult itself.

The only loyal companionship that can be  is with hollowness. It never leaves you. Never.

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